Sample OpenDSA eTextbooks
The OpenDSA project consists of content in the form of prose, visualizations, and execises for a range of Computer Science topics. The OpenDSA project also provides infrastructure for selecting subsets of these materials and compiling them together into an "eTextbook". Here we provide links to a sampling of the eTextbooks that can be created.
Currently, OpenDSA eTextbooks can be configured to work within the Canvas LMS. This allows for collecting scoring info for students, and should always be used when OpenDSA is being used for graded class assignments. OpenDSA can also be configured to generate stand-alone HTML pages. In this format, users can view the content, and work the exercises. But no scoring information is remembered. This format is appropriate for an eTextbook used strictly as supplemental reading material.
Canvas versions (you will need to register at to view):
- An objects-first CS1 course
- Data Structures topics for a CS2-level course
- A post-CS2-level course on Data Structures (that we refer to as "CS3").
- A senior-level course on Algorithm Design and Analysis.
- All current OpenDSA content related to Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Programming Languages
- Formal Languages and Automata (Programmed Instruction Version)
Supplemental reading versions:
- An objects-first CS1 course
- Data Structures topics for a CS2-level course
- A post-CS2-level course on Data Structures (that we refer to as "CS3").
- Presentation slides for "CS3" course on Data Structures.
- Coursenotes form of presentation slides for "CS3" course on Data Structures.
- A senior-level course on Algorithm Design and Analysis.
- All current OpenDSA content related to Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Programming Languages
- Formal Languages and Automata
WARNING TO INSTRUCTORS: Some instructors like to give their students access to these public instances of our materials. That is fine so long as you are aware that we periodically update the books. The means: (1) The links to the supplemental reading versions on this page should be reliable in the future. When we recompile, we maintain the root URL for the book. (2) For the Canvas versions, ONLY give out the links on this page, that lead to the enrollment page for the course. In normal use, students will then have the course in their Canvas course list, which should remain reliable. However, it is NOT reliable to give a direct link to a Canvas course URL, because that changes everytime that we recompile the book. (3) Do NOT try creating a new Canvas course by cloning an existing course with OpenDSA materials. Any new Canvas course needs its OpenDSA materials pushed to it directly by our standard course configuration process, otherwise the links will not work correctly.